In this project, I created an app that would be used to form friendships.
Programs Used
Illustrator, Figma
Project Overview
The Conflict
People can find it hard to establish close friendships with others for a variety of different reasons, which can be damaging to one’s mental and emotional health.
The Opportunity
My app, Friend Finder, aims to create a safe and fun environment where users can connect with others and form strong friendships.
Target Audience
Adults who want to form long lasting friendships.
-Create a safe and inviting environment
-Allow users to express their personality and interests
-Give users the ability to filter which accounts they see without being too limited
Competitive Analysis
Bumble for Friends: Meet IRL
-Includes a verification system
-Gives users the opportunity to meet friends they can hang out with IRL instead of just online
-Expensive in-app purchases greatly disrupt the use of the app
-The app will only let you meet friends of the same gender
Purp - make new friends
-It is easy for users to set up their account
-The app isn’t full of intrusive ads
-Lack of moderation leads to a lot of inappropriate behavior
-The app has almost no filters and profiles provide very little information, so users need to flip through completely random people while finding friends
User Research Highlights
As a part of this project, I conducted user research through a survey with questions about a potential friend-finder app. Many of the questions centered around feeling safe using the app and features that would improve the user experience.

Brand Identity

Mid-Fi Prototype

User Feedback
-Users had an easy time navigating the account set-up process
-Most people had difficulty finding the filter
-Menu overlay is unnecessary
-Most people tried to press the accept/reject buttons (The flow may be more natural if that is added before the chat screen)

Hi-Fi Prototype

App Store Layout